
LDF bases its monitoring practices on the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights for Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The convention that was approved in the UN in 2006 and came into power in 2008 became the basis for the protection of rights of persons with disabilities and somewhat of an international constitution for the community.

When Lithuania ratified CRPD in 2010, the government has undertaken international commitments to respect, ensure, and implement the established standards for human rights and eliminate the obstacles for guarantees of dignity and equal rights. The convention implementation mechanism includes a periodic assessment of the state of persons with disabilities based on the convention’s provisions. Our committee assesses the official government report, as well as alternative reports prepared by disability organizations.

In 2016 LDF submitted an alternative report on the implementation of United Nations Convention on the Rights for Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Lithuania to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Having evaluated the governmental report, as well as that prepared by disability organisations, the committee provided conclusions and recommendations for Lithuania on future actions aimed at improving the situation of persons with disabilities.

LDF also submits reports to other international organisations and also conducts various studies in Lithuania, which are then presented to the public and the national institutions concerned with national disability policies.